How To Help Businesses

The primary goals of construction projects are centered around "operational efficiency, construction quality, and cost control." The most fundamental state should be "zero accidents and zero disasters" concerning safety to achieve these goals. By prioritizing safety, we can achieve the desired benefits and ensure sustainable operation, coexistence, and prosperity while collectively creating a high-quality construction safety environment. Hon-Tsai believes "safety is the best investment, and accidents are the most expensive cost."

The global promotion of digital technology is moving towards AIOT integration, introducing the concept of smart Internet of Things (IoT) into safety and health management on construction sites. This approach is deeply integrated into the management process to replace the traditional management methods, further assisting in achieving the goals of construction projects.

Occupational Safety and Health Smart Management System

Digitize the existing contractor entry management process at the construction site and establish the following related information:

  • Contractor information can be created and maintained through the system, eliminating the inconvenience of paper-based records.
  • The app provides templates for five additional checklist types (hot work, elevated work, electrical safety, confined space work, hazardous machinery operation).
Inquiry of entry and exit records.
Maintenance of violation rules.
Course information inquiry
Project case inquiry.
Form Items
  • The form items are built according to legal regulations to facilitate automatic inspections and generate form information.
Customized Statistical Reports

We can provide customized statistical reports according to the client's needs, such as statistics on abnormal entries, cumulative working hours of contractors, and a ranking of contractor violations.

Digital Management Dashboard

You can quickly display the entry of contractors, contractor members, and the total number of personnel through the dashboard. It can also be managed based on construction sites and queried through a mobile app.

Construction Site Work Permit Dashboard

It instantly displays the number of work permits issued today and the number of contractors every five minutes, making it convenient for managers to check the on-site status of contractors.

Access Control Management Standardization

We plan the conditions for managing construction site areas and build them into the system. Relevant data can be imported from the web back end, and front end hardware devices, along with established conditions, serve as access control standards. This allows us to determine whether contractors qualify for entry when they arrive.

  • 多元設備支援,操作更便利:透過數位手持前端APP,可快速掌握人員於各工地在場人數。
  • 精確掌握承攬商資料:數位化將承攬商個人相對應證照及教育訓練資料建置於系統,方便人員管理及查詢。
  • 降低職災發生率:當承攬商刷卡時,系統即時判斷該人員是否符合進場條件,如工安是否已在場、教育訓練是否於期限內…等,掌握三大原則,對的人、對的時間及對的地點,以降低職業災害發生之機率。
  • 提高工地場域管理效率:數位化表單結合管理儀錶板顯示,可迅速瀏覽承攬商工種進出統計等相關人員在場資料,掌握即時動態,達到管理效率提升之目的。
  • 快速:快速查詢目前入場承攬商人數及各工種人員在場狀況。
  • 預告:掌握廠內工安證照有效期及逾期預告通知。
  • 縮時:縮短環安資料管理及作業時間。
  • 信度:經由資訊系統統計產生管理報表,可減低紙本及人工作業的錯誤率,提高報表可信度。
  • 承攬商入場管理系統:系統權限帳號管理、門禁管理、承攬商管理、門禁卡片管理、工程案件管理、違規管理、教育訓練管理、門禁離線作業、進出記錄查詢、APP承攬商門禁系統資料查詢。
  • APP提供5種附加檢點表模板(動火作業、高架作業、用電安全、局限空間作業、危險性機械作業)。
  • 提供1種門禁儀錶板(單一工地承攬商在場人數與各工種人數)
  • 硬體需求:伺服器(DMZ區)或雲端、1台門禁工作站、2台刷卡機(支援拍照功能)、戶外型螢幕、電子標籤識別證、手持式行動裝置(Android或iOS)、個人電腦。
  • 加購功能:總部版「各工地承攬商人數儀錶板」、人臉辨識、語音模組、未離廠通知、訪客(臨時出入)功能。
