How To Help Businesses

Hon-Tsai Technology has specifically focused on the needs of the gas industry and introduces the “Gas Cylinder Management System” as the solution to modularize the standard process of the industry, so as to help companies manage their financial account and minimize the loss of inventory and cylinders, which makes it the best corporate helper in management and brings good fortune of wealth for business.

Design Concept

To quickly inquire and get answer on the current number of contractors in the factory and the safety of the personnel on site.

To determine the list of contractors who are still in the factory before getting off work.

To confirm the compliance of the contractor for autonomous management in the factory.

To reduce the workload of occupational safety and health management personnel by allowing the contractor to apply and register entry into the factory online.

To keep track of the validity of the factory’s safety permit and notify if expired.

To provide the security guard the control on entry qualification of the contractor and its personnel on site.

To allow the corporate management to quickly grasp the work progress and the admission of contractor’s personnel on site.

To provide historical data as supporting evidence during the labor inspection.

The right people, for the right occasion, at the right time.

Sales Management

To help with the sales operation, the system will provide detailed manifest with remarks, daily/monthly sales report, sales summary (customers and products), and sales statement to improve management.

Purchase Management

It helps the user to conduct purchases by recording the acquisition of gas cylinders and generate a daily/monthly purchase report.

Inventory Management

The user can manage purchases, products, inventory and conduct monthly inventory check.

Account Management

The system has the function to manage accounts receivable/payable settlement, accounts receivable/payable statement, and accounts receivable/payable summary statement.

Cylinders Management

The system helps to manage lease/retrieval of cylinders, acquisition/return of cylinders, exchange of reusable cylinders, and cylinder inspection.

Invoice Management

The system includes the complete invoice management, including function to ensure control of sales and input tax.

Sales Analysis

It is capable of displaying information on “daily sales” in line graph and “monthly sales”, as well as “accounts receivable and payable”, in bar chart. The system will also alert the user of any “outstanding transactions”.

Customized E-report

For each company, the system can customize the report format. Compared with handwritten reports, e-reports are well-structured and easy to read.

Quick View of Sales Management

The detailed manifest with remarks allows the user to know more about the status of sales when selling products, as the system can also provide daily/monthly report.

Cylinders Tracking

The user will be able to track the latest status of cylinders, including the lease and retrieval of these items in real time, which will save the cost and time for cylinder inspection and management, that in turn helps companies to reduce cylinder loss and doubtful accounts.

Payment Confirmation and Management

The system includes the accounting and bookkeeping function for the user to clearly know the net sales, the inventory and payment methods.

Customized E-report

Accounting statements can be customized according to the company’s requirements.

  • Gas industry (including wholesalers and retailers)
  • Gas filling industry
  • Gas store (retailer)
  • Special gas supplier