How To Help Businesses

Due to the complexity and uncertainty of the nature of projects, the issue of safety is often neglected by the contractors, such that some industries (such as petrochemical industry, construction industry, manufacturing industry, etc.) rank among the tops in terms of occupational hazards and incidents. And it is now that the safety practices and control of the contractors are becoming an important part of the current environmental safety management issues.

Hon-Tsai Technology's management system on the contractor's authorization and work permit, which is based on the official work safety regulations, has completely covered the management on the maintenance and inquiry of basic data, the setting of user login authorization, the contractor's violation record, and the employees' entry access records, including entries of unauthorized access. Informatizing a company’s existing management system will not only simplify the entire process of control and review of all operations but also greatly improve the efficiency of management on environmental safety. In addition, the system also provides contractor online application for safety permits (including operations involving construction, confined space, hot work hazards, crane lifting and high-altitude scaffolds), as well as supervisory review on pre-work inspection, in-work inspection, and post-work cleanup, all of which can be displayed in the digital dashboards for the jurisdictory personnel to quickly review the degree of compliance with the safety regulations on site.

Design Concept

To quickly inquire and get answer on the current number of contractors in the factory and the safety of the personnel on site.

To determine the list of contractors who are still in the factory before getting off work.

To confirm the compliance of the contractor for autonomous management in the factory.

To reduce the workload of occupational safety and health management personnel by allowing the contractor to apply and register entry into the factory online.

To keep track of the validity of the factory’s safety permit and notify if expired.

To provide the security guard the control on entry qualification of the contractor and its personnel on site.

To allow the corporate management to quickly grasp the work progress and the admission of contractor’s personnel on site.

To provide historical data as supporting evidence during the labor inspection.

To reduce the operation time of organizing information on environmental safety.

The right people, for the right occasion, at the right time.

Personnel information management
  • Department parameter setting
  • Authority authorization management
  • Personnel data conservation
  • Management of the system authority account
  • Making of entry pass work
Management of contractors information
  • Data conservation and import for the contractor
  • Engineering identity setting for the contractor
  • Data conservation for the contractor’s vehicles
  • Qualification conservation of the contractor’s entry
  • Account application management for the contractor
  • Management of the contractor’s license and management of education training
Engineering case management
  • Engineering case registration operation
  • Contractor member conservation in the construction case
  • License and document settings in the construction case
  • Educational training course settings in the construction case
  • Occupational violation item and penalty conservation
  • Personnel violation item management
  • Personnel shifting in the construction case
Education training management
  • Perseration of the contractor’s education training
  • Maintenance of education training
  • Online registration for an occupational safety course
  • Class record inquiry
  • Qualification standards in the education training test
  • Education training-related documents
Visitor management of the factory
  • Field management of the factory
  • Conservation management
  • Temporary card production
  • Renewal work
  • Lending and returning work
Access control management
  • Gateway management personnel exit and entry
  • Online applications for entry passes and car licenses
  • Access cards for personnel and vehicles
  • Door acess control management settings
  • Offline work
  • Application for overtime for personnel and vehicles
Entry and exit management
  • Search for the contractor’s construction data(app)
  • Search for work permission records(app)
  • Search for the entry and exit records of the contractor and visitors
  • Search for records of contractor violations(app)
  • Search for information regarding the contractor’s educational training
  • Search for abnormal contractor records
Instant statistics and digital dashboard
  • Statistics on the numbers of contractor entries and exits
  • Search for reports on abnormalities and violations
  • Display of the gateway management dashboard(personnel,vehicles,and work permission)
  • Environmental parameter measurements on the digital dashboard
  • Limited-space overtime(not show on the dashboard)
Main report and statistics
  • Report on contractor personnel and vehicles
  • Report on the contractor stopping work
  • Report on the contractor’s gateway entry records
  • Entry of personnel and vehicles
  • Report on the expiry of professional licenses
  • Overdue analysis report for construction cases
  • Report on the contractor’s violation records
  • Occupational auditing report
  • Education training class list (includes reviewed results)
  • Report on the cumulative working hours of the contractor
  • Statistics on abnormalities in factory and construction site entry
  • Periodic work statistics for work permission
  • Statistics on signed and returned work permission forms
  • Report on abnormal gas detection events
  • Report on limited-space overtime events
  • Chart and statistics on the area department patrol countersign
  • Unexecuted statistics of the contractor’s work permission
  • Unreceived list and statistics of the contractor’s work permission
  • Weekend working statistics of work permission
  • Statistics of limited-space, hot work, and overhead work construction
  • Contractor Cumulative Work Hours Report
  • Customized report on additional work permission for work inspection
Engineering case and work permission management
  • Application of work permission(App)
  • Auditing management of work permission licenses(App)
  • Application management of work permission(App)
  • Auditing management of work permission(App)
  • Response of detecting of work permission records(App)
  • Owner auditing of work permission(App)
  • Offline work
  • Prompt notification in the form of an app message
  • Contractors can apply for work permits through a web or mobile app.
  • Supervisors can review work permits through a web or mobile app.
  • The system allows the selection of relevant department jurisdiction, hazard levels, permit types, associated checklists, and hazard notifications for work permits.
  • Diverse verification methods are available to check the permit requirement (such as for general operation, special operation, personnel transfer, suspended permit, resumption of work, etc.)
  • The digital dashboards are equipped with voice prompts to assist the jurisdictory supervisor in verifying the permit validity.
  • The company’s auditor and related supervisors can use smart phone to electronically sign-off the verification and inquire about the progress anytime and anywhere.
  • The occupational safety and health inspection unit can review the photo of permit from the back-end application (attached picture of permit at the inspection point on site).
  • The situational dashboards reflect the progress of permit verification in real time for the entire factory.
  • The safety personnel are authorized to issue an advisory or penalty ticket on the spot.
  • Personnel Access Control Integrated with Entry Procedures and Work Permits.
  • The access management system must provide reliable entry and exit records and image archiving..
  • Provide a digital dashboard for immediate site status inquiries.
  • Personnel access record queries.
  • Card access system for monitoring entry and exit activities.
  • Effectively control contractor vehicle management applications and access control.

Electronic (Paperless) and Mobile Management of Access Control and Work Permit for Contractor

  • The objective is to reduce the burden of paperwork for workers and safety (management) personnel.
  • The contractor can input their own basic information and apply for work permit, which can then be reviewed by the company.

Configuring Entry Qualification Requirements for Contractor in Combination with Various Access Control Systems

  • Entry access control: The system can be set to allow employees to enter the factory only after both the safety personnel and the contractor have swiped their cards for authorization, as well as demanding either the safety personnel or the contractor to stay behind to swipe the card after all employees have left the building.
  • The access control management system will store a complete access record with images, from which the supervisor in jurisdiction can access and review the personnel attendance.

Project Management

  • It provides accurate control of personnel vehicles and work schedules based on the nature of each project.
  • Along with an automatic number-plate recognition system, key card is no longer needed to manage the qualified vehicles entering and exiting the factory.
  • The system will quickly confirm if the contractor’s personnel are qualified to enter the factory (based on whether the project is expired, whether the training is over, whether an ID card is assigned to the individual, etc.)
  • The system will automatically generate the roster of contractor’s personnel to facilitate any reporting operations.

Combination of Access Control Management and Work Permit for People and Vehicles

  • The contractor can use the APP to apply and check the progress of the company's review of authorization outside the factory.
  • It works in combination with the automatic number-plate recognition system to achieve a control accuracy of more than 99%.
  • The company’s auditor and related supervisors can use smart phone to electronically sign-off work order and inquire about the progress anytime and anywhere.

Digital Dashboards for Displaying Information on the Contractor’s Work Progress

  • The digital dashboards help the user to monitor the gas level on site at any time.
  • The management personnel in jurisdiction can quickly grasp the progress of work completion.
  • Quickly check the status of contractors on-site.
  • The corporate management can quickly inquire and get answer on the current number of contractors in the factory and the safety of the personnel on site.
  • The management personnel in jurisdiction can quickly grasp the progress of work completion.
  • They help to determine the list of contractors who are still in the factory before getting off work.
  • Compatible with various access control hardware devices, including card access, facial recognition, and biometric recognition.
  • Supports the management of various contractor categories (construction/non-construction/service/on-site), contractor hierarchies, and construction categories.
  • Applicable for internal or contractor application for work safety permits, internal approval processes, auditing, and comprehensive self-management digitization.
  • Used for visitor application management, equipment and machinery management, contractor performance evaluations, contractor education and training systems, and pandemic control-related functions (vaccine proof, rapid testing records, etc).